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Vocal Flexibility

vocal-flexibility Jan 01, 2018

Vocal Flexibility To Increase Rapport

It's a really good idea to develop vocal flexibility in your work as an actor. It benefits you as you present yourself to producers and gives you deeper insights into characters.

I once met a producer and was blown away by how fast he was talking. He was a New Yorker - and we in Dublin are way more laid back. He was speaking at least four or five times the speed I speak at. Mind bogglingly fast.

I knew he must be frustrated. How?

Because people tend to talk at the rate they think, and tend to like it when others talk at that same rate too. So I speeded up my rate of delivery to match his and we got on just fine. I matched his rate of delivery. As soon as I did I got into rapport with him.

So how can you learn to vary your rate of delivery...?

How can you develop more vocal flexibility?


Begin talking at a rate that is comfortable for you. Then slowly start to speed up the rate, until you are talking what you would call, fast.

Then speed it up until you’re speaking unbelievably fast.

Then speed it up even more until you’re speaking so fast it’s coming out faster than you can think.

Now slow it all the way down, gradually slow it... until you’re speaking way too slow. 

Make sure this feels good while you do it and produces no tension in the throat, or anywhere else. Matching a Producer's or casting directors speaking rate is a very quick way to establish rapport.

Try listening for pitch (how high or low your voice is), tone, and volume.

I cannot tell you how powerful a tool this can be when done correctly. It creates a win win feeling between both actor and producer/director.

To Warm Up or Not To Warm Up?

Here's the video on you tube 

 Warm up or not?

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