Chat with Nick

The Actors C.H.E.C.K. list

acting auditions acting coach casting calls Mar 03, 2019

Ever wonder how you're doing?

Take the actors health check. Use the check list.



1. Who do I want to become as an actor?

2. What do I want right now in my professional life?

3. Which areas of my life as an actor am I lacking clarity in and why?

4.  What do I feel absolutely certain about in my life right now?


1. How passionately do I feel about my connection to this business?

2. How can I increase my level of commitment to "the business"?

3. How much more do I expect from myself?


1. Do I have the stamina to accomplish my goals and feel energised about life as an actor every day?

2. What are the major factors causing my current level of energy?

3. How could I improve them easily and quickly?

4. What would I have to START doing to experience more energy in my life as an actor right now?

5. What would I have to STOP doing to experience more energy in my life as an actor right now?


1. What level of courageousness am I stepping up to in my life as an actor right now?

2. Where am I backing down in my life as an actor right now?

3. How am I allowing myself to play small?

4. What new level of confidence do I have in seeking my dreams/goals as an actor?

5. What would give me even more confidence? And how could I double that level right now?


1. Which specific feeling gives me the most power and confidence in my life right now?

2. Which specific feeling drains the most power and confidence from my life right now?

3. How can I reduce or eliminate those unhelpful feelings?

4. How can I amplify those positive new feelings on a daily basis?

 Still Stuck?

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