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How to create, write, edit and upload your very own web series!

katie sheridan web series writing a script May 20, 2017

Creating a web series can be tricky can't it?

Follow along with Katie Sheridan (T.A.M. Member) and Nick as she outlines some handy tips and tricks and hints - what to do an what NOT to do.

Nick Dunning and Katie Sheridan from Nick Dunning on Vimeo

You're going to need a few things:

Pre Production

STEP ONE  - Gather a few mates

STEP TWO - Brainstorm an idea

STEP THREE - Outline your series idea, and write episode.


STEP FOUR - Cast it, rehearse it, shoot it.

Post Production

STEP FIVE - Edit it and Upload it

STEP SIX - Share it.

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Next steps - How to develop your web series....

1. You could get your TV pilot idea off the ground - without breaking the bank - how does that sound?

If you have a TV  idea and can’t get seen by one of the big juicy networks, HBO, BBC, Showtime etc...grab your pilot and break it up. Crack it into mini episodes of two-minute, bite-sized pieces - 

Season one of your web series is just...your whole pilot episode!

2. Then send the series link (You tube URL) out with a one sheet breakdown of your show and discover if the networks think your idea has legs and value. They are looking, believe me...

3. Keep building your audience and showcasing your brand.

Katie now has more than 2 million fans and followers - how do you think this is being looked at by the networks?

Your fans will keep coming back to support you, and in turn will look forward to any other projects you create, like movies...

4. You get to be your own boss.
No network limitations. BUT pls don’t break the video sharing site’s (TOA's) terms of agreements.

Be prepared for the rules of the site to change, facebook and you tube are constantly changing - quick google search will help..

Best thing of all...

You get to have the freedom to tell your story the way YOU always wanted to tell it - and ENJOY it.


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