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The Amazing Power Of YOUR Actors Brain

neurons the brain unconscious Mar 07, 2019

The Amazing Power Of YOUR Actors Brain

Remember this :-

"Neurons that fire together wire together"

To simplify: Our brain cells communicate with one another via a process called synaptic transmission. The actors brain is the same as everyone else's right? At least on a good day.

What this means is that when one brain cell releases a chemical called a neurotransmitter the next brain cell absorbs it and takes it inside of itself.

This process is known in the trade as “neuronal firing.”

When brain cells communicate repeatedly, the connection between them strengthens. Messages that travel the same pathway in the actors brain over & over begin to transmit faster & faster. With enough repetition, they become automatic processes.

That’s why people do things like hitting a golf ball over and over –with enough practice, the brain goes on automatic pilot. And it's the same for us actors!

The same process can be used to create confidence in the mind which is very...

Useful for acting auditions...

And for life.

Psychologists know that negative thought processes follow the same pattern as well – the more we think about, or “ruminate,” on a negative thought, the more entrenched that negative thought becomes. So this means…

What you focus on increases

Negative and traumatic thoughts also tend to “loop”–they play themselves over and over until you do something consciously to stop them. This has ramifications for actors does it not?

What are YOU going to focus on creating today?

Hint - Make it something you LOVE!




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