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How to create the best Actors Website 2023

acting websites actors site actorswebs best websites for actors website for actors 2023 wix versus squarespace wordpress for actors Jan 19, 2023

Get Found : Be Visible

 How to create a Vertically Branded Optimised Actors Website 2023

So how do you create your V.B.W.?


  • Get a free actors website from either wix or squarespace or wordpress
  • Upload your showreel - 1-2 mins - need help creating one? Then go here
  • If you're a new actor who has no clips - go here
  • Upload your actors headshot - need help go here
  • Upload your actors resume
  • Make sure you have entered contact details either for you or your acting agent.
  • Link to your IMDB profile.
  • Include all your social media links and icons
  • I like to include something...odd, that makes you stand out. A sentence, a skill... a photo that makes you memorable.

So Wix Versus Squarespace?

The 2 biggest names in free websites for actors couldn't be more different. Squarespace is curated and rather cool and design-erish. Wix is a bit mad and a tad chaotic but allows for a lot of freedom to customise, so you can easily make your choice...choiose how you want your actor website to represent your brand?

I usually recommend Squarespace over Wix— but you won't be unhappy with either choice. The key is to google the differences.


WordPress is free and open source software that you can install on any hosting site you like, and its basic structure can be customised endlessly, and extended with thousands of free WordPress themes and plugins that add new looks and special features. 

But are you really going to need all of that?

Click on pic below for FREE self taping Training

Has your acting website gone a bit stale?

 If your actor website looks a bit dated or obsolete or worse...tired and unloved...dead...? your visitors could assume the same about you – not the look you’re going for! We want to encourage casting people to have a peek and to stay, right? So how can you you tell if your site needs a bit of an upgrade in 2019 and beyond?

Check out my 6 tips to refresh an actors website below.

1. Over crowded Web Pages

 Having too much information wedged onto each page of your website is sooooo hard to read and dated. Too many sections with rows of tiny hard to read text means you won’t be able to grab a visitor’s attention and they’ll leave your site quicker than a Japanese bullet train.  Adopt the thought “Less is More” and your site will automatically have a more modern aesthetic.

Leave space between lines, at 3 or 4 max then WHITE SPACE like this page...:=)

2. Make sure your site is Mobile-Friendly

 No excuse now. None. All CDS and directors cast from their phones as well as laptops and tablets - MOBILE! Make sure your site is mobile-friendly to stay relevant and viewable in this busy and on the move lifestyle we  all have...

3. Out of date Information

You need a vibrant, modern website. And it needs to be taken care of and updated regularly. You’re a busy actor and if you're not you want to look as if you are, right...? Updating your news section or writing new blog posts once a week is ideal, once a month bottom line.

Don't make it ALL about work...Posting about a great class, a callback, or photo session is a wonderful way to keep people up-to-date about your career. Even include photos and keep it lively and attracts people in. Pulls them towards you.

4. No More Weird Open Sesame Pages - They're Dead.

 You know on a pic and then there's a kinds of smoke and mirrors, music and rock anthems - you go into a tunnel of weird and wonderful stuff about you and your dogs...NOPE - get to the point. One page. One click. That's it.

 Today’s audience demands info immediately, without a lot of clicks. Make sure your home page has updated, relevant info. Include. Latest news - grab them right away!

5. No more Flash Websites please

 No more. Dead. 'K?

6. Slow Loading Web Pages

Don’t lose your audience (CD's remember...) with slow-loading web pages. People  won’t wait around for photos or videos to load. If your site takes longer than 5 seconds to come up change it. Get it updated with a simple, modern site that people can access quickly.

This is a great site  lots of help about slow loading and broken links etc


We’ve nearly made it through April (and pilot season)! To celebrate, I’m kicking off a new series to help you spring clean your online presence so it’s spick-n-span before your next audition.

Today’s quick tip walks you through the important aspects of a link audit. The terminology isn’t sexy, but the result is:  a flawless, efficient, and professional online presence. Press play and get ready to clean up those links!

Have you ever visited a website with links that went to a page that no longer existed or that just plain didn’t work? What was your impression? Don’t let something as simple as a dead link poke a hole in your professionalism or credibility.

They have great article and services for actors websites - check them out

Examples of actor websites

When you start looking, there are many different types of actor websites. There are actors who are actively looking for work and using their website to help them do so. Then there are the big stars who have already made it. These actor’s websites help them reach out to their fans and publicize their recent projects.

In this article, I have included a mixture of actor websites, containing a variety of design elements. So where ever you are in your acting career, take a look at some of these examples of actor websites built with WordPress to help you find inspiration for your own site.

1. Leonardo Dicaprio

Leonardo Dicaprio

Leonardo Dicaprio’s website easily stands out amongst other actor websites. A full-screen automatic slider displays stunning images of Dicaprio. The homepage is then divided into sections, with videos from his most recent film, powerful quotes from a selection of other films he has starred in, and recent blog articles.

Social media is well promoted on Leonardo Dicaprio’s website. An additional navigation bar is displayed at the top of each page showing Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram icons. Instagram and Facebook feeds are also given prominent places in sidebars throughout the site, as well as an email opt-in form. These encourage Dicaprio’s fans to follow him and keep up to date with his recent releases and news.

2. Kate Britton

Kate Britton

Kate Britton’s site is a great example of a working actors website. It includes all the crucial pages that those looking to employ an actor may need. There is a ‘Gallery’ page of photographs showing her playing different characters, and a ‘Reels’ page displaying videos of her acting. As well as this, there is a ‘Resume’ and ‘Contact’ page, so that potential employees can see what experience she has had and can contact her if they are interested.

However, this website is also creative and interesting, giving you a good insight into Kate Britton herself and her career. The homepage consists of just a full page slider, which displays images of Kate Britton in a variety of roles and costumes. And a page on Kate’s philosophy on acting helps you understand what motivates her acting career.

3. Russell Brand

Russel Brand

Actor and comedian Russell Brand has really embraced his website’s design. The result is a WordPress site that reflects his loud and chaotic personality. A parallel effect, with moving content and a bright, spotty background helps immediately grab visitor’s attention. Content is written in the first person, which helps his audience connect and engage with him.

The homepage is arranged into a grid layout, displaying blog articles, podcasts, videos and more. At the bottom of the page, Twitter and Facebook feeds are displayed. These show Russell Brand’s up to date news, comments and thoughts. And encourage his website visitors to follow him on social media.

4. Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren’s beautiful WordPress website combines stunning images with a great navigational layout. The homepage displays a full-screen image with text overlay and a sticky menu bar. Following this is a grid layout of articles and matching photos, sharing news and recent events involving Helen.

This website contains a selection of pages of interest for Helen’s followers. A ‘Biography’ page gives a detailed list of the different films, theater shows and TV programs she has starred in. A ‘Current Projects’ page shares information on what she is currently working on. And a contact page contains an online form, an office address, and emails for her agency.

5. Beyonce


Beyonce’s WordPress website uses a bold white and black color scheme, which makes a lasting impression. The homepage is made up of full-screen shots of Beyonce in a variety of outfits. Clicking on individual images displays social media buttons, encouraging social shares.

A slide in menu can be accessed from the top left. This provides information on Beyonce’s music, tours, and much more. An icon on the top right of the homepage takes visitors directly to the Beyonce shop. Here products from Beyonce’s collections can be purchased directly on site.

6. Ben Whitehair

Ben Whitehair

Ben Whitehair is a one-page WordPress website, creating an extremely easy user experience. A full page slider greets visitors, displaying photographs of Ben, with text overlay and embedded video. A relaxed color scheme is also used, with an off-white background and grayish text. This results in a casual and laid-back look and feel to the site.

This website displays a variety of lead generation tools. A sticky social media bar stays glued to the left-hand side of the screen at all times. A Sumo pop-up is displayed in the bottom right-hand corner to collect email addresses. And hello bar along the top of the page encourages visitors to sign up to a newsletter. Using these methods together should help Ben achieve a large following and fan base.

7. Judy Gold

Judy Gold

Judy Gold has a loud and exciting website, that matches her personality. A purple and pink color scheme and a homepage photo of herself with text overlay describing what she does (“comic, actor, writer, host, big mouth”) leaves you in no doubt that you have arrived at Judy Gold’s website.

Judy’s website contains a selection of attention-grabbing features. Videos of her stand-up performances, promotion of tickets for her upcoming shows, links to her weekly podcasts, her latest Tweets, follow buttons for her other social media channels, and lots more. This website really displays Judy’s range of talents and helps the audience engage with her ongoing projects.

8. Michael Bay

Michael Bay

Although Michael Bay is a director and not an actor, his WordPress website is definitely worth a mention. This website uses a bold but simplistic black and white theme. This results in no distractions from the large images and videos that dominate the whole homepage.

A drop down menu on the right top hand side contains all the pages his visitors could need, as well as a numerous social media follow buttons. All images and videos displayed on these pages are large and centered middle of the page to help them make a statement of importance. There is also an official forum page that fans can comment in, and discuss Michael Bay, his many films, and the projects he has worked on.

9. Susan Bennett

Susan Bennett

Susan Bennett’s WordPress website ticks all the boxes for an actor website that is looking to impress potential clients. Video and voice demo clips give examples of Susan Bennett’s work. A ‘Resume’ and ‘Testimonials’ page are both provided. And a logo carousel is displayed on the homepage, showing some of the top companies Susan has worked for.

The website’s ‘Contact’ page exhibits two Google Maps. These share the locations and contact details of both agents that represent Susan. The site’s footer also contains contact details for her agents, social media follow buttons, and a Twitter feed, enabling people to easily get in contact with her about possible upcoming work.

10. Reuben Langdon

Reuben Langdon

Reuben Langdon’s website displays an impressive homepage, packed full of useful information for the site’s audience. The page uses a parallax effect, with sections containing large images and text overlay sharing testimonials, links to videos of Reuben’s previous work, and much more.

Further down the page, news and events involving Reuben are shared, alongside his Twitter, Facebook and Instagram feeds. The ‘Photo’s’ page on this website has an effective layout. Photos are categorized under ‘Head Shots’, ‘Movie Posters’, ‘On Set’, and ‘Promo’. Images are then displayed in a grid layout, with a clean white border. This helps them catch the attention of visitors.

11. Sylvester Stallone

Sylvester Stallone

Sylvester Stallone’s website is classic, stylish, and very well organized. This WordPress site uses a white background with black text. A large full width featured image of Sylvester dominates the homepage. And a plain menu runs along the top of the page, so visitors can easily see what content is available to access.

The Sylvester Stallone website displays an Instagram feed on the homepage, with a ‘Load More’ button. This means users can view as many recent Instagram images as they wish, without actually having to leave the website. A ‘Fan Community’ page is also available, where fans can join up and discuss all things Sylvester Stallone.

Final Thoughts on Actor Websites

Not every actor website will need all the features and functionalities mentioned in this article. Just choose the elements most suited to your WordPress site’s needs. Then create a website that will help land you that next star role. Good Luck!

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