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Actors : Use your fear in your auditions and self taping scenes! 2023

acting auditions for movies acting auditions fear genre self taping Feb 13, 2023

Actors : Use your fear in your auditions and self taping scenes! 2023!

Auditions are nerve-wracking, so channel that energy, channel that fear into your character. Whether it's an acting auditions for movies or tv...same thing...

It’s easy to convey fear when you’re already feeling it.

Plus any really huge and powerful blood-curdling scream releases tension and helps vent frustration. For everyone in the audition room.

It really does - they'll laugh and relax...and so will you....

Go for it!

Love IT!

SCREAM - where else can you do that legally?

Seriously...Where else can you do that?!!

Have you seen this acting auditions site yet?

Playing a character role in a genre film or TV show?

Acting the role of the snooty oddball neighbour, the weird alcoholic hermit, the crazy football luvin' alien, the creepy naked voyeur in the car? :

These are the kinds of parts you can really go to town on in genre film and TV. Your performances need to POP - to say "Look at me!"

Since you may only get one take in the acting audition, try saying something like this..., “I’m going to try something now, but I can pull it back, if it’s over the top.”

(This is better than asking for a second take - but more than likely will get you a second take ha ha x.)

Be prepared with a straight reading as a follow up, in case they want one.

It can give the producer or casting directors a lift to make a choice - yes even if it's been shot as a self tape audition iphone!

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